Your Opinion Doesn’t Matter Podcast
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Your Opinion Doesn’t Matter Podcast
Labor Day Reflections, Blended Family Dynamics, and Navigating Relationship Challenges
Looking back at our Labor Day celebrations, Lamont, Sterling and Sherryann share personal reflections that contrast sharply—the calm of age versus the thrill of non-stop party-hopping. Sterling finds himself reminiscing about the energetic parties of his youth, while Sherry recounts her vibrant weekend filled with soca performances and endless celebrations. Together, we explore the changing landscape of these festivities, marred by increased police presence and restrictive parade changes, and emphasize the need to preserve cultural events despite challenges like recent safety concerns.
Blending families brings its own set of complexities, and this episode dives deep into the dynamics of relationships where children from previous partnerships are involved. We discuss the initial territorial feelings, the vital role of patience in building bonds with stepchildren, and the balancing act between discipline and respecting the biological parent’s role. Personal stories shed light on the struggles and successes, highlighting the importance of communication, understanding, and boundary-setting to create a harmonious family unit.
Navigating relationships and parenting challenges also means addressing societal expectations and personal independence. We take a candid look at the difficulties faced by independent women in the dating world, cultural differences in work ethics, and the controversial choice of staying in an unhappy relationship for the children's sake. Our conversation underscores the significance of continuous effort, mutual understanding, and maintaining attraction and loyalty in relationships. As we wrap up, we express heartfelt gratitude to our listeners, promising exciting future interactions and more enriching discussions to come.
Welcome. Welcome to the your Opinion Doesn't Matter podcast. We are here. I am one of the hosts, mr Lamont, and my co-host on my left, sherry. How are you doing?
Speaker 2:I'm doing well, Sherry Berry.
Speaker 1:Sherry Berry. Damn, I'm always messing up and we have none other. You changed his name. Did you change your name for this episode?
Speaker 3:It always been like an AKA Okay okay. It's always been there, but I'm just incorporating it into the podcast you get me.
Speaker 1:Okay, what is it? Black.
Speaker 3:Jesus Black, Jesus baby.
Speaker 1:Right right, right right. So, okay now, the last time we recorded we were still in the mix of summertime, right, as things just started to enter towards school time. You know, one big thing that's been going on was Labor Day. How was Labor Day for y'all?
Speaker 3:As for me, it was a pretty nice basic Labor Day for me. I didn't do too much as opposed to when I was younger. You know I'm a little older now so I try to portion out the festivities because I don't really have the energy, like I used to back in the days, to do it for like three, four nights. I remember back in the days you would start from like the week before and as it got closer it would be a snowball effect. But now it's kind of like the opposite. I might start out hard but by the time Labor Day get there I'm pretty much pooped out. Now you know what I'm saying, jeez.
Speaker 1:Wow, how about you? How was your Labor Day?
Speaker 2:It was great. Aj had nothing to do with me. I was outside you was outside. I was outside. I partied from Thursday till Monday and I had a good time and it was nice. I just went to different. I was actually party hopping from one event to the next, a lot of big shows and stuff. So I enjoyed that portion, going to see all the you know soca singers and just enjoying that scenery. It was good. It was good.
Speaker 1:Oh, okay, Well.
Speaker 2:I had to take vacation that same week because, you know, the hip had to sit down.
Speaker 1:Okay, had to put the hip on ice, yes, a little bit, but I had a good time.
Speaker 2:I had a good time.
Speaker 1:Well, me, I was living vicariously through y'all through texts and it's like, oh man, not right now, not right now, I'm a little later on, tomorrow I'm recovering. Right now I said, damn man, y'all having fun man, but listen, I partied enough man. I partied enough, man A lifetime right.
Speaker 1:I partied enough. So you know I'm just. You know I'm happy we still have it, the carnival man. Before they was trying to close it down for a little bit. Right, it's like confined now. Right, you can, I'm here to hell. How was it now in the parkway?
Speaker 2:Well, I went to Juve and I had a good time in Juve. However, I felt like this year wasn't as good as the other years that I went.
Speaker 2:I felt like Juve was a lot more of the younger crowd and I don't think that they really grasped the concept of Juve.
Speaker 2:That's just, you know, my opinion. It was just out there, like you know, catch a wine, catch a wine, catch a wine and it was like a little bit more to it than that and I felt like the police was just too much. You know, and I know I ran up on an officer and we was talking and she was like you know, I'm not trying to make it difficult, but I was trying to explain to her that it is kind of difficult and it makes the crowd get a little aroused because it's like you can't walk here, you can't walk there, the trucks cannot play the music at this point. To that point, and I think at this point that the community know what this, this whole festival, is about and what it is. So it's like it's once a year that you get music at all hours. It's not something that happens all through the year. So I feel like at that point they should know what it is at this point and give us a pass.
Speaker 2:Yeah, give us a pass, because any other you know any other events that come up you guys just do what you gotta do and I felt like, don't walk here. You got to get scanned as soon as you enter bedford avenue.
Speaker 2:You had to get scanned you had to check your bag, if you walked out, you had to walk back in and it just made it like more of an uncomfortable situation and I felt like it showed because usually when you get by Empire it's like a whole bunch of people outside I didn't see that many people older heads outside, you know watching it and you know enjoying it as much as the years has been. So I felt like it kind of like took away a lot from what it was, I think.
Speaker 1:Nice, nice, nice.
Speaker 3:And I feel the same about the parade. I mean, I gave up the parade maybe one or eight to ten years now and the main reason was the restrictions. Yes, Because I remember it was. It's a big deal. Yeah, in the 80s and the 90s it was pretty loose and unrestricted and you was able to vibe out and have fun. But now there's so much restrictions where you can't even participate. When the band is going by you can't really participate, you're restricted from. You know, going behind walk with the band yeah.
Speaker 3:Busting a wine, things of that sort. You can't even do that anymore. You pretty much have to be a spectator. Sure, you know, and that takes away from what I remember.
Speaker 2:It takes away from the culture. Unfortunately, there was a shooting and the shooting happened, I think, at Franklin Avenue or something. And then there was controversy online that people were saying like you know what, cancel the parade, cancel the parade. And my thought on that is well then you have to cancel everything else. You have to cancel schools, you have to cancel, you know, mass on a Sunday. You got a supermarket. You got a supermarket, you got to cancel debates. You got to cancel everything because the problem is not the parade, the issue is gun control.
Speaker 2:Right right, right right, you know and the fact that you know people get, you know, charged with minimal for everything, like a year in jail, you got a gun, that's it, that's nothing. That's nothing, that's a slap on the wrist. So you can't say cancel the parade, it's unfortunate, and no one comes outside. You know to have these things happen and it's unfortunate that it does happen. But I think we have to find a different way. Or don't analyze us or say you know what's standing in the parade, oh there's, you know there's violence. Or paint us as a picture of a violent, you know, a violent people. And this is what we do and this is and that's how the news, unfortunately in the media, does portray us.
Speaker 3:Yeah, and actual reality. The violence on Labor Day Eastern Parkway has nothing to do with a parade. It's usually I'm going to keep it 100, it's usually gang violence and it's usually an opportunity for certain gang members to spot their enemies or their ops because, everybody's outside, because there's so many people outside and they take the opportunity, because we're going like that for?
Speaker 1:years.
Speaker 3:So it actually has nothing to do. It's just an opportunity to catch up to your ops or your or your enemies or things that are, whatever your situation, and it's insulting to incorporate that with us.
Speaker 2:I feel like you know all the western india parade and this is in the western and it's like, if anyone knows west indian people, what do we love to do? We love to drink rum and party like to party. That's what it is. We love to party with no restrictions and we love to drink rum and party like to party. Yeah, that's what it is. We love to party with no restrictions and we love to drink rum, and that's what west indians you know and really any violence.
Speaker 2:Yes, yeah we're not in, we're not about that.
Speaker 1:It's far from any violence that's actually come from west indians. That's exactly west indians. Don't really be sparking it off, no they'll finish it, but they ain't gonna spark at all. Yeah, but you know. But yeah, man. So I'm glad everybody you know, because y'all had a a great time.
Speaker 2:Great time, um, or, and we just was talking about the history, our history, with the parkway so, you know, after having a great weekend and we're back, and we're back to work full time on the train and doing all those things, I just wanted to touch on. Some other things that kind of like touch me in different ways and you know, I don't know how you gentlemen feel about you know, being in a relationship or married and your partner has children that was not with you per se how do you guys deal with that? How do you? What is your take on that? Do you accept the child as is? You know, do you come in with? You know restrictions and you know, if your own didn't have and she doesn't want any, how do you feel about that too, as well? And she already has.
Speaker 3:I'm actually in a situation my wife's situation. We was actually like a Brady Bunch for one child each, where she has a daughter and I had a son and we intertwined and became one family. But at the first coming in, you know, when you meet somebody and they have a child, you're a little apprehensive at first, you know, because, knowing that this isn't your child, you don't know how they was raised, you don't know. You got to take time to kind of like, feel them out. So when I definitely first got into a relationship with my wife, I took time to feel out, adore them out.
Speaker 3:Christina, you know, and it wasn't matrimonious at the beginning. You know, I think she was a little territorial when I first came in. You know, this is a new guy. She's seen, you know, coming around her mom in the house, so she was a little standoffish. I was a little standoffish too, you know. But then, as we took time, I realized if I wanted to be with her mother, this is definitely going to have to be a package deal. I don't want her mother without her, you understand what I'm saying. Or vice versa, want her mother without her? You understand what I'm saying, or vice versa.
Speaker 3:So I knew in order for it to work and to be prosperous, I had to work things out and form a relationship with my daughter and to this day, right now, she's here, right now, while we're taping and we have a wonderful relationship. But it took time. There was a lot of bumps, there's a lot of bruises. We had to get to know each other, um, and it was a growing process and the key, the key to us growing and becoming one happy family is her mother gave me the keys. She said OK, you know, I want you to do all you can to help Christina grow as a child and grow as your child, meaning there was no restrictions, even as far as discipline. You understand what I'm saying and that's key because in a lot of situations where it doesn't work, sometimes the woman that comes in with the kid, she says you know, listen, do not touch my kid or do not speak to my kid.
Speaker 2:It could cause a conflict. But you also got to look on this, on the aspect of if the child has, you know, the father, that's very involved and then now the mother is dating and she's now with someone else, you have the father giving you know feedback on that and, like I don't want you to do, this. You know to do this and to do this and do this, and that can also affect and trigger your relationship as well, because you know it's like how do you maneuver that in certain ways?
Speaker 2:Because now you have to like you, the woman, now have to be like two people you know, because you want your relationship to work with your current person that you're with, but you're also trying to respect the fact that the father also wants to be. You know the father and be able to discipline his child and say certain things to the child and it's hard on a man, I think it's. It then becomes a difficult task, like I love this girl and I want to be with this girl, but then how do I be? You know, this is still my home, this is still my sanctuary, this is where I be and I cannot have her child just doing whatever he or she wants to do.
Speaker 3:Yes, and you know how you know. Yes, I believe so. If you don't make that connection with the child, I don't believe the relationship could ever grow. It's always going to be something Right.
Speaker 1:And it's kind of reversed for me. As far as you know, my fiance, she has a son Right now. He's turning, actually he's turning 18 this week. My hands was tied, I couldn't, the reins wasn't giving to me nothing.
Speaker 3:The reins wasn't giving to you.
Speaker 1:It wasn't giving to me, it was more or less like you got to build a relationship with him. They're starting a third, but it's like I can't. If I don't feel like I could, I can't stop him from doing wrong. How can I be? How can this be a relationship? I'm just gonna be, I'm gonna be in the stand watching you, I'm gonna be in the, you know, like a cheerleader or something so he wasn't allowed to discipline him.
Speaker 1:Basically, what you couldn't do nothing and he was doing some wild stuff. He done some wild stuff, but he was doing it. He was more or less rebelling. Outreach to to it was it was more of a rebelling because he was raised around his mom and nothing but women and seeing me come. But everything was kind of cool in the beginning until his mother was about to have the baby and then, once the baby was born, that was it. It was like he stopped talking to me. He didn't. Till today he don't talk to me. But it's different though. It's different because we have an understanding now. You know what I'm saying. But my thing growing up is that or even for me in my 20s, I never used to deal with women who had kids. I never did. I used to always. I would always promote that woman with the child's father, not thinking about how bad the situation would be, but I would always think that the child's better with his father and mother. You know so that I was always like maneuver around that.
Speaker 3:I mean, that's, that's naturally how it should go in life. You know, the woman is supposed to be with the father and the child. But you know we're not living in a perfect world and there doesn't always be a child like that, so we have to make adjustments.
Speaker 1:And that could have been just me being naive, just thinking like all right, this has to happen this way.
Speaker 3:But then you know thinking as you get older, the chances of that happening is less likely.
Speaker 2:I think also it's conversations have children. I personally feel like the guy, because I can only speak on that aspect. You have to be able to be like. That's where I want to be One. You have to want to be in there, right, because she has children. There's nothing you could do. She has children. Now, how are we going to deal with this? You got to sit down and have these conversations. You can't come in and just trying to just control the household and the kid never, you know, had that before. That's also a shakeup for the kid, like my mom never told me this or I never had to do this and now you're coming in and giving all these rules. I feel like you should have conversations. You can't just come in and just be like I am the man, I am here with your mother now and that's it. There's no kid. That's just going to take it because you weren't there, unless you was with her when the baby was like a little baby.
Speaker 3:It's an easier transition.
Speaker 2:You know it's an easier transition, but when you have a kid that can talk, you know, and can verbalize, and can speak their mind and be able and it was just them and their mom you have to be able to have conversations.
Speaker 3:Yeah, that's true. I believe that's true because on the other side, my wife had to get adjusted to my son man. He's somebody that she never met before and all of a sudden I'm coming there and my son is coming there every weekend and you know, first she was a little apprehensive on how she spoke to him and things as such. When anything went on and I was out the house, he used to call me, you know, and be like you know so-and-so, and I would call him. And then after a while I'd do the same, I'd say listen, man, if anything's going wrong, you got to speak to him. Now, you know, you just can't call me every time, unless it's something major. But you know, my son man, you know you need to. You know, slow down or take a step back, so and so, without me having to call me all the time. And eventually we got to that point, you know what I'm saying and luckily, I have good kids, you know.
Speaker 3:It made it a lot easier, you know, that's good, you're blessed in that aspect.
Speaker 2:How?
Speaker 1:about you. Are you more protective, like say you have children, and say a man come into your life, are you more like, oh, your guard's up To. Like, okay, you know how do you expect him to handle your kids? Like, say he walks in and he sees one of your kids cursing at you? I mean, obviously at that point he's not going to really do nothing. But I'm saying like the conversation afterwards suppose he comes into a hypothetical yo I should have said this, that and the third, what, what is what are you going to say?
Speaker 2:I mean I had situations, but I feel like one is a lot of adjustment. I had to do one because bringing somebody around my kid, that means I really like you. That's one, because now you're like, you're know, you're around my kids. And two, I also had to let my guard down because, being a single female, I have my rules set and I have things the way that I do it, and I'm not saying that the way I do it is the right way, but it's just the way that worked for us.
Speaker 2:So now, bringing someone around, I would expect you to tell me what you think and what you don't think. Like no, I wouldn't go with this. I wouldn't expect you to just jump in, because now I'm going to look at you sideways, like really you just jump in and yell at my kid or curse my kid out or something like that, but I expect you to say, listen, I don't like this, we got to talk about that. Like I don't like this. I understand that you did this this way, but this is not going to work for me. This is the way I view this. So I don't like the way your kid do this or this or this or that.
Speaker 2:Let's have a conversation about it and let's come to a mutual ground, because you have to build a relationship with my child knowing that you're going to be around, that your word stands ground. You can't just come in right off the bat and do that. One is going to cause conflict between me and you and it's going to cause conflict between the child. But I'm open to you talking to me and telling me listen, I don't like the way your son did this, so I don't like the way this is not going to work here. This is not going to happen. I'm not comfortable with that or this. And then we can build a relationship so you can go to him yourself and you can say listen, this is not going to work. You can't have your friends in here. You can't have certain things that you know that's going to happen.
Speaker 2:You can't have your friends in here you can't have certain things, that's you know that's going to happen, yeah, and I think the kid can reciprocate that a little better.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I think what happens when? When a man comes into a relationship and the woman has a boy, he feels automatically he will be able to relate to the boy better than the mother. Therefore, he's going to be quicker to put his two cents in, because he's probably figure out well. She probably doesn't have the understanding of what it takes to raise a boy, if you understand. You understand what I'm saying.
Speaker 2:But it's how you go about it, where the conflict comes in. And then keep in mind I feel like men when you come into a female's life and you have children too, and you have the kid in their life too as well. If things doesn't work out, most men exit the kid's life, and it was just for a moment or a thought, and that's also then.
Speaker 2:I'm just saying as the mother dates or she go on. It makes it harder for maybe Mr Right to then come in, because you know you was dating me. You wasn't just dating me, you was dating my kid too, you know. And vice versa. Because if I'm dating somebody with children or whatever, he can have 10 kids Once I put myself with him, I put myself with those 10 kids. So if they need shoes, we're going to figure it out. If they need a hat, we're going to figure it out, because that's what you do when you love somebody. You don't just love them part time, so you love them full. So I love every part of you. That means all those 10 kids are my 10 kids too as well. So I would want you to do the same. And if things don't work out with us and you just go on living your next life with the next kid or whatever the case may be, don't forget the way that you touched that kid when you first came in, because I would not forget about your kid.
Speaker 3:That could be awkward.
Speaker 2:It's not awkward.
Speaker 2:From a man's point of view, it could be awkward, Okay my baby father has how many children and I was with those kids when they were little. They're big people now and they still call me Ms Sherry Ann. Hi, ms Sherry Ann, how you doing? I love you as I love them too. I'm not in their life, as you know, going, you know to everything, but I still I impacted their life somehow. So I still, if I see them on the road or if I see them on social media, I'm saying hi. If they come to see their sister, I'm giving them a hug because they meant something to me. There's a difference in keeping in contact and there's a difference in completely disappearing.
Speaker 3:I feel that would be awkward. I think after a while especially after the man moves on and he gets in another relationship, it's going to be pretty hard for the woman he's dating now, when married, to explain why he's still in constant contact. Naturally, I think eventually the relationship will probably never end, but it is going to decimate as the time goes by.
Speaker 2:It will, but you can still say hello.
Speaker 3:I'm not saying anything is wrong.
Speaker 2:Of course I could always say hello because I don't go by their house and I don't, I don't, we're not talking on the phone and we're not. But it just so happened that I share a brother. Well, in my situation she is a child, you know. So that's their brother. That, so that's their brother.
Speaker 3:That's their sister For life.
Speaker 2:So that's for life.
Speaker 3:So wherever I see them, I'm always going to say hi, or whatever the case may be.
Speaker 2:But any ex or anybody, that's okay if they had children. If I see them, I'm going to hug them and say hi. I'm just saying that some men or some women just forget about the kids.
Speaker 3:You mean completely, completely. We'll see the kid and not do anything? Yeah, exactly, completely. Would see the kid and not do anything. Yeah, exactly, well, that's extreme, just like you know.
Speaker 2:hey, well, you know, I'm not with your mother, no more.
Speaker 3:So that's what it is. Oh no, I didn't understand. That's extreme.
Speaker 2:At some point you was close to that child. I'm not saying go by, Let me just clarify. I'm not saying keep in contact, calling on the phone, going by buying, food buying clothes. I'm not saying that because that's no longer your job. That part just went away and any woman could respect that, I think.
Speaker 1:A real woman could respect that. But sometimes you got to do a healthy retreat. Healthy retreat Be like okay, listen, I'm not dealing with you. You, you and you. I'm out of here. You got to for the comfort of your own Clean breakaway. I'm out of here, deuces. I mean listen.
Speaker 3:Hey, that could be helpful sometimes. Yeah, because if you're still in contact it still could confuse a child. Yeah, and as you fade away slowly and slowly, the child could feel.
Speaker 2:Let him or her miss you. But I don't think keep in contact. I don't think like text or call, I'm just saying once you see the kid.
Speaker 1:Always cordial.
Speaker 2:You can always be cordial because at some point that kid you like the kid at some point.
Speaker 1:Yeah, but you like the woman at one point too, even more than the kid and y'all sometimes.
Speaker 2:So you can walk down the street and not say hello. No, you can see a kid that you used to be with a woman and not say hi.
Speaker 3:The child is innocent.
Speaker 1:True, true, the child is innocent. But I mean to go out your way to say hello and stuff.
Speaker 2:No, I didn't say go out my way.
Speaker 1:But if you pass him, yeah, if you pass him, hey, what's up?
Speaker 2:If I go to something and I see the child, I'm going to hug you, I'm going to say hi, nothing wrong with that, I'm going to say how are you? I'm not going to say hello, we did not understandable. Understandable we broke up, but me and the child didn't break, we wasn't in anything.
Speaker 1:You see, now, that's the thing about you not only invested in the woman, you invested in the children too, and it's like that's too, and it's like that's a difficult thing, man, and that's why it's always smart to understand the role when you go in in a situation and the magnitude of what can happen. This kid's going to look for you for guidance or so forth and so on, and then, god forbid, things don't work. You're going to have to sever ties.
Speaker 2:But that's the thing about relationships when you go into a relationship is what's your end game. I said that to someone. When you first meet somebody, automatically you know whether or not you want to smash the person, whether you want to take them out for a second dinner or lunch or whether you want to go in. You can't do a pretense because the pretense can hurt the long run.
Speaker 3:I don't think all men go into relationships like that. I didn't go into it thinking you know. Sometimes you just think it might be a smash and then it grows to something else.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it's like never no potential thing. I mean usually with men it's never no potential thing yeah.
Speaker 3:Actually with my wife. I didn't know it was going to be anything at all at first. And it going to be anything at all at first and it was actually mute for like a month or two and then and it actually ended up growing and I had no dreams that it would grow to anything it was.
Speaker 1:It was a total surprise to me and it's actually sometimes it's like that, like in your mind, like say, like say you run up on like a, like a bad right chick yeah, sometimes it's the opposite. You'd be like you know you'll be. You could be like I know this ain't gonna go nowhere because you'd be like inside your insecurity. Be like I ain't gonna be able to hold all of this down.
Speaker 2:You know what I'm saying until you get to know the person.
Speaker 1:I mean, but you could know her. But like, off the visuals without even speaking yeah, it's like alright, you know a lot of people gonna be hollering, you know.
Speaker 3:We do think about things like that.
Speaker 1:Yeah, like why, Like you know why, put yourself through it. You know what I mean. She's going to be high maintenance. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 3:Not even financially buying her just attention wise.
Speaker 2:But you know, women, we get shot down, Like I get shot down all the time because they feel like I'm unapproachable and I'm really a nice girl if you get to know me, but if Wait wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
Speaker 3:You actually trying to tell me that you get shot down by a guy, Sherri-Ann?
Speaker 1:There's no way I'm going to believe that Shot down in what to what capacity? What are you talking about? The minute you're talking to them and then they shooting you down?
Speaker 2:No, I've gotten shot down by a gentleman who turned around and said that he likes me. He thought I was a pretty girl. However, I'm just too much to handle.
Speaker 3:He's just like no, you just took one shot. I took numerous shots of what I said.
Speaker 2:So I'm sitting there like what's too much, because I stand and I don't really speak and I just stay in my corner. But if you get to know me, you might have Not saying you know it's anything, but you might, it could have, you don't know, but just to look at me and be like, oh well, I look like I'm too much. I've had people say well, you know, you live on your own, you have your own place, you work, you got a good job or whatever.
Speaker 3:They don't want to talk to me. They don't want to talk to me.
Speaker 2:But then, if you're not independent, how do I live? How do independent, how we? How do I live? How do I live? Would?
Speaker 3:you want me living in a room with a, with a little bed on the side, watching tea? Not me, I'm just going from their perspective. That's how guys? Yeah man, not me. I would want that.
Speaker 1:Yeah man some yeah, some men would be looking at stuff. It's like hold on, that's too much for me. Yeah, like, you have your own, then what can I do for you? What could I bring to the table? Yeah, so it's like and then it's gonna be put pressure on them if you have this and they don't have that, they're gonna be like whoa, okay, she's gonna. Eventually she's gonna hold it against me, some form of fashion, she's gonna look down on me. They're gonna start feeling me what's that?
Speaker 2:insecurities, but then I get it, but it's at the same time for women that do have their own and do are able to hold their own. It makes makes it harder in a day to life to find the one, because you get shot down just because you were able to accomplish certain things.
Speaker 1:Yeah, but at the same time it's about how much men get shot down by their women. Who's like say she's successful, she has her own this and own that. It's like y'all. A lot of times I'm not going to say y'all women, they don't go down. They don't go down like in class. Men always go down. We always find a girl who can work in like Pathmark or something like that. Even if we got a good job, women's going to maintain at that height or go higher majority of the time.
Speaker 2:I would want to just talk to somebody who has a job.
Speaker 1:You're going to say just a job. If he's working in a stopping shop, it's cool.
Speaker 2:That's fine, that's his job. He has an income, right? Okay, the important thing is that you have what A J-O-B. That's my thing. You can do something.
Speaker 1:But you see, I think the difference with you is that you're West Indian. I think it's like that's a different type of, it's a different type of feeling, like you know what I mean. West Indians came from a place of like grinding, so like work is work. But the stubborn Americans stubborn Americans you see them on the YouTube.
Speaker 2:I just feel like if a man has a job, I feel like we can go someplace and we could do certain things.
Speaker 3:And if you have the ambition to keep going.
Speaker 2:We can make anything happen. You know, I got 50 cents, you got 50 cents. Okay, we got a dollar and we can maneuver and we can go where we got to go. But if you're not doing nothing, no, I don't want to talk to you. I don't want to talk to Laos. I'm sorry, don't talk to me. I don't want to talk to you. I don't want to sit around and don't want to do anything and, waiting for me to work, to then ask me well, you want this or you want that? I didn't get up every morning and go, bust my skin and doing the job that I do to take care of no one.
Speaker 3:I'm sorry, no, understandable, understandable. Now we was talking about investing into our kids, such. Now, what about the people that over-invest into the happiness of the kids? I'm talking about couples that actually stay together, knowing that the relationship is done just for the sake of the kids, Like try to wait it out until, like, the kids go off to college and move out. Is that something you would invest into? Staying together just for the sake of your kids, keeping them happy, not giving them any trauma?
Speaker 2:I wouldn't.
Speaker 1:I'm telling you, me like right now, if I'm in a horrible situation, me and my fiance, knock on wood, it's not happening, but my daughter's at this age now she's six.
Speaker 3:Yes.
Speaker 1:I mean say, if a situation is going on, I would not take it further, I would not try to make it a bad, bad situation, I would stay for my daughter. So you would stay into the relationship even though you're not happy. I would normal circumstances without no children. No, I'm out of there ASAP, I'm gone. But as far as you got kids, you got to start, you got to make some sacrifices. But are you really and?
Speaker 2:truly happy. Is your kid really seeing a happy home?
Speaker 3:Yeah, I mean true, what values?
Speaker 2:are you showing her or him at that point? Because you're not happy? And happiness, you know, when you're not happy it shows in different ways it can show you know I come in. You could just be angry just because you're in a home that just doesn't have the happiness. So is your child really seeing mom and dad happy? We got to think about what trauma does that affect the kids too? Okay, they come in and they see their mom and dad in one household, but the household is filled with nothing but noise or argument.
Speaker 1:Negativity. If it's that bad, then yeah, you're right.
Speaker 2:I don't want to stay with you if it's just not happening. Because at the same time, we're not cuddling, we're not talking, we're not laughing, we're not joking. Your kid is not seeing you joking around, they're seeing you arguing over the slightest thing. When you don't like somebody, you walk in, and you could have put your shoes the same place for 10 years and it never bothered you but the one time that you guys are not on that level. Now that same shoes is bothering you.
Speaker 2:And then it becomes a thing I don't want to be in. I don't want to be in no relationship that nobody don't want to be in a relationship with me. That's one I don't want to be in a relationship with like that. I'd rather go and cry in a corner or cry to my girlfriend or whoever and move on and move past. At least my kid would see me walking in and just being me.
Speaker 1:That's according to the circumstance. You're right. It's not. You know me saying that that I would stay for my daughter. But now if I'm staying and there's a bunch of yelling and I'm doing, I'm doing, I'm going to do a disservice. It's still unhealthy.
Speaker 2:It's very unhealthy, you know what I mean. Give me high blood pressure and make my daughter get all emotional and that's what she's going to grow up seeing, thinking that that is the way that a household should be and that is not the way a household should be.
Speaker 1:Right, but you know a lot of times to me is this I don't know, man, I don't want to sound like I'm bashing the baby. Speak your peace boy. The baby mamas, the baby mama dramas they always want to put a monkey wrench and they change the game in the fourth inning or something. You know what I mean. Matter of fact, as soon as you, as soon as you, as soon as you are like, actually think you're lying shit, go left. They want to do this, they want to do that and and God forbid, god forbid, y'all get into a serious argument they're going to use that child as like a battle ram against you kid. They're going to smash you around left and right.
Speaker 2:I think baby mothers who do that they still love their man. There's a part of them that there's a lot of anger issues built up inside of them. The fact that you moved on, the fact that you are living a different life, the fact that that's where that's coming from. Because if you don't have nothing, if you guys just don't get along, or whatever the situation that tore y'all apart and y'all have a child, you should just be able to do what you gotta do for your kid and that's it. And the minute that you you giving him a hard time, you still have feelings for him. There's a part of you that still have feelings for him and the fact that you seeing him that's angering you and then you're taking it out on the kid no shit, that's done now, as far as, uh, I wouldn't stay in a relationship for the kid's sake to sacrifice my happiness.
Speaker 3:I believe, believe you know, the kids are going to grow and they're going to have their own lives one day and, like you said, this is one of the situations where I think it's better to make a clean escape, clean cut, and maybe they'll get it.
Speaker 1:I'm serious, exactly Retreat.
Speaker 3:Retreat, yeah, retreat, but I will give the child explanation and I'll say listen, you know me, and mom tried. But. And I said, listen, you know me, and mom tried, but it's not working out so and so. But I'm always going to be there. I'm just going to be staying at a separate location and we're going to be living our lives and daddy's always going to be there for you. And therefore, move on with my life and put my happiness first.
Speaker 1:You know, because I don't think you're ever supposed to put anybody's happiness before yours? And if you're not happy. You can't make anybody else happy.
Speaker 3:Only your happiness comes first. Your children maybe From age one to 16.
Speaker 1:Then you're on your own.
Speaker 3:After that.
Speaker 1:Then it's ta-ta, I think you have to be happy.
Speaker 2:You have to be happy first. In order to show your kids happiness. If you are a parent, you have to. If you are a parent, you're coming in and you're unhappy every day, or you're sad every day, or whatever your situation may be, it's hard to love your child and to give that child that nurture that they need. So you need to make yourself happy first, so that you can be the best parent that you can be.
Speaker 1:Say somebody like you in a relationship and they say you don't make me happy, what do you say to them?
Speaker 2:I chop it up. It is what it is, all right.
Speaker 1:I would say. I mean, I say I say listen, that's not my job. To make you happy, you're supposed to find happiness in yourself.
Speaker 2:If you? First of all, if a guy tells me I'm not making them happy, all right, I'm not sitting here losing sleep over anything. Because if I can't figure out what makes you happy, or you're not willing to sit on a table with me to figure out what makes you happy, then there's nothing I can do. You're talking air. There's nothing you could do. I don't know how you guys feel. You guys are both in. You know you're married, you have a fiance. But I feel like if I'm with a guy and he turns around and says, chef Barry, you don't make me happy, I can ask you babe, well, what happened? Or how could I? And if you're not willing to sit on the table and tell me or try to work it out, that means mentally you're already checked out and there's nothing I could do about it.
Speaker 3:Yeah, yeah, I feel the same way. Now, if you come to me and say you're unhappy, first thing I'm going to say elaborate, you know let's get deep in there, why, and if it's, if it's something that could be easily fine tuned, and you know, sometimes, you, you, you do things that you don't even realize. Sometimes it needs to be brought to your attention. You understand, cause you don't see yourself how other people see you. Sometimes Right.
Speaker 3:Sometimes somebody needs to tell you listen, you know when you do this, so, and so you might look at it and you say you know what? You're right.
Speaker 2:You're right. And you also have to be open to talking about that too. And I think you know, in a relationship we don't always have a conversation and we get into a habit. It's like, okay, you live with the person or you guys or whatever, and you get up in the morning. It's like the same routine, it's like a routine behavior, but certain things that I do might have annoyed you or turned you off.
Speaker 3:If you don't speak to me about it.
Speaker 2:I'm going to continue to do it because I never knew that that was a problem in the first place?
Speaker 1:True Communication Me personally. Somebody say, somebody say, like my fiance, we had a rough patch and she said she wasn't happy. I don't, I don't, I don't.
Speaker 3:look at myself, you have to look at yourself. No, no.
Speaker 1:This is what I say. I say so what you going to do? What are you going to do?
Speaker 3:That's your responsibility.
Speaker 1:I'm not looking at. I'm looking at like what?
Speaker 2:are you going to do? But you got to ask what's the question, what's the reason why she wasn't happy that you needed to have that?
Speaker 1:conversation Meaning what's your next step?
Speaker 3:Okay, let's just say hypothetically something you got over At the time. She says well, you're drinking too much. Then what do you do when she says you drink too much? You're drinking every day, day. It's becoming a problem in our house. So then what's the next step do you take?
Speaker 1:listen I'll. The next step is like listen, okay, I understand a little bit, but I'm saying you gotta really find happiness within yourself. I I'm not. I'm not gonna really tell somebody you, you don't make me happy, I'm gonna make myself happy.
Speaker 3:No, by any means necessary I'm gonna make myself happy if my, but now but it's no if she's.
Speaker 1:If she's like like, say she's like out of bounds doing some wild shit, I ain't gonna say she's not making me, I'm gonna say yo, you better change that, you better change it, change what elaborate a little more if she say she's out of pocket doing this or doing that, some shit that I don't agree with, it's not gonna make me unhappy, it's gonna make me react. I'm not gonna sit there and just there and just Then.
Speaker 2:you're not a good communicator.
Speaker 1:No, no, no Communication is. Don't do it.
Speaker 2:You can't tell me oh babe, I'm not happy, what is it that I'm doing that's not making you happy? You have to have that conversation with me and then, depending on the answer that she gives, you could then move forward to say what's your next step. You got to have that conversation.
Speaker 1:I just don't like those words. I don't want her coming to me and talking about I'm not happy, Fix yourself.
Speaker 3:I think she needs a woman, somebody. If they're not happy, I think they need to come and tell you that I'm open to it.
Speaker 2:You know you always have to sit down and say what makes my girl happy. You have to say down and figure out what it is that makes her. You may think you doing everything right and she could be like he's not even hitting it? He's not even doing the that's making me happy. I'm going to tell you.
Speaker 1:I remember a time I listen to you. See how difficult you women are. Let me tell you. Let me tell you how difficult y'all women are. Um, my fiance was not saying she's not happy, right? She's saying, no, we don't do this, we don't do that, right? A day that we are out about to go get something to eat, she gets into one of these moods about what we don't do, we don't go out. She says that I said where are we now? What are we doing? What are we talking about? So it becomes a routine. Y'all women say stuff and it's just a routine.
Speaker 2:Oh, this is going to be no and you forget where you're at.
Speaker 1:No, absolutely not, we are about to walk into a restaurant, but we don't go out. Oh, I'm not talking about right now. So then, what are you talking about?
Speaker 2:She's talking about on a basis of the fact that maybe when y'all met, y'all used to go out and do a lot more more things and then you got to a point in your relationship where you didn't feel like you needed to say get dressed, babe, or get dressed up, let's go get something to eat and she probably missed that.
Speaker 1:It's the opposite. I mean, sterling did things. Did you have to rev things up right after you met your woman, like certain things that you wasn't doing? Then next thing you know, now y'all together, boom, things rocket up 100%.
Speaker 3:I think you have to maintain that level that you're getting.
Speaker 1:No, no, thank you, okay, no, I'm saying did things go up, or is this leveled off, or is it the same?
Speaker 3:It's always going to level off after a while, but I think it's your responsibility to have up peaks. Give it a few peaks and make sure it never goes past the level off point.
Speaker 2:You have to keep the same way I wasn't dating.
Speaker 1:We wasn't dating the certain things that we was doing in the beginning. It's not happening no more.
Speaker 3:Like me and my wife. We go out all the time. We try to have date night at least once a month. I know sometimes we go through a stretch too, but when it's a good stretch we might go out two or three weeks in a row.
Speaker 2:That's what my mother-in-law be telling melaw.
Speaker 3:You would always want to be attracted to your partner. You always want to be able to to keep something going, yeah.
Speaker 2:so I don't want to be coming home every day and we're not doing nothing. But did you cook, did you? Did you do this like? I want to be able to be like okay, babe, get dressed, go out. So that you know the night could be even better because you took me out. We went out, we had a good time, we had our one-on-one time, we did things. Nobody wants to just be regular.
Speaker 3:It becomes a routine Vacationing, yeah like let's do something.
Speaker 1:Sherri, let me ask you a question, oh boy, would you say right? Would you ever say to a gentleman that you're dealing with you're unhappy if you are not stepping up 100% for him?
Speaker 2:I can say I can have a conversation with him. I can sit around and say to you you know, babe, I don't like this or I'm unhappy in this area. He can then voice to me certain things that I may be doing that he's unhappy about, and then, if I want to be with him, I'm going to step my game up 100% because, he didn't put it on a table to say that he doesn't like this or he doesn't like this and give or take.
Speaker 2:But I can tell you one thing, Monty I can give and take, I can do as you ask, but you got to keep your end of the bargain because you're not going to expect me to change 100% and you're sitting back like some king and just accepting everything that I'm doing and you're not doing nothing because I say what Another man's trash?
Speaker 1:is another man's treasure.
Speaker 2:So you have to be able to pick your battles too. When you come on the table. It's a conversation, because I'm willing to please my partner at any means necessary, because that's who I want to be with. He has to also have that mentality too. I always tell any females, any one of my girlfriends you got to keep up your looks yes, you got to make sure that you look good.
Speaker 2:You, you got to make sure. Don't feel like, okay, you know what? I gained 10 pounds. He didn't meet you 10 pounds heavier. And I'm not saying you're doing things for him, don't get me wrong, females. I'm saying that we get sometimes we get so complacent, we get so comfortable that we just you know, okay, it's all right. So now I met him with one little stomach. Now I got 10 stomachs.
Speaker 2:And you're like you know well, he's still coming home and he's still loving, yeah, because he's with you and he fell in love with the personality and everything. But maybe he's not attracted to the physical part of you anymore because you just gave up on all the things. So you have to get right too. You have to make sure. I always tell my girlfriends make sure if you like to dress, continue that pattern of dressing and smelling good and keeping your hair and keeping your makeup and keeping him wanting. He knows when you walk outside. Somebody was looking at my girl. I got to keep that inside.
Speaker 2:I always say that you walk outside, you always want to look good. You always want to look good. You always want him to come home and not always have the hair bonnet like in four different directions, you know, and in an old robe and all of this stuff. You can look nice in your home too and make him want to be like damn. I said I'm home, forget it, the phone's just locked off, I'm not even talking to my boys or nothing, because I just want to be right there.
Speaker 2:Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 1:Facts, that's always nothing, because I just want to be right there, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, facts.
Speaker 2:So I can do that, because I know that's what makes him, you know, happy. I can always be that woman that's going to turn the shower on for you too, and I can be that woman that's going to make sure and cook a meal and make sure it's good. But what are you doing?
Speaker 3:Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 2:What are you doing? I'm trying to get points for the women now, while I'm doing all of that.
Speaker 3:I'm going to get points, men. I think we also need to keep our hygiene up. You know, stay up in the gym, keep that stomach down. You know things as such like that, to keep your woman interested in you too, offer to take her out every once in a while. You know what I'm saying.
Speaker 2:I met you with no stomach. Now you got 10. Excuse.
Speaker 1:It goes in both ways.
Speaker 2:I feel like on a woman point, we go, and on a man point, it goes, and that's what makes a relationship, because relationship is hard.
Speaker 3:It's not something easy. It's a hard thing and you got to be in it, to really be in it.
Speaker 2:It's really a hard thing, it's a fact.
Speaker 1:You know, it's not easy, it's difficult, it's not easy Compromise. I tell my nephew right now it's a lot. It's a lot. I know I'm 13 years old, you know.
Speaker 2:I sit here and you know people be like you. Know you a pretty girl, why you not? Why you not wifed up? Well, damn it, it's freaking hard because I'm stubborn in a lot of ways, I'm hard headed in a lot of ways, know what I mean and it's like as I got older I have to realize that it's a losing battle because, just like you guys say, you got to meet people halfway. It's not about being pretty, it's not about being smart, it's not about it's being able to know what it is to be in a relationship, what it is that you can't just say I'm in a relationship.
Speaker 3:You really got to work on your relationship be in it, you got to be in it to it, and that's a constant work in progress.
Speaker 1:Yeah, man, every day, ups and downs and loopholes, and all of this being able to be with him, no matter what.
Speaker 3:Loyalty what about loyalty, oh loyalty, oh my God.
Speaker 2:Loyalty is a big thing.
Speaker 3:Big thing, especially nowadays, that word has become extant in today's society, there's no such thing as loyalty right now, loyalty man, and that's key.
Speaker 2:There are men who say I want a woman that's loyal to me and to me, that's being in a relationship. Every man should expect that and should want that and every woman should expect that. But some men don't do that. They talk a good game in the house and in your face and outside they're doing them, yeah, and that's that that.
Speaker 2:And when the woman finds out, it's like, oh well, this, you can't expect me to do everything the way you want me to do it. And then you turn around and you're doing the complete opposite in hopes that you don't get caught, in hopes that I don't find out, in hopes that you don't get caught, in hopes that I don't find out. Then that loyalty for me is like well damn, that's going to go out the window because you want me to do everything the way you want me to do it and you're not giving me that same respect. So I'm sitting around thinking like, oh, this is my man and I'm devoting myself to him. And oh no, I don't talk to nobody. And da, da, da, da, and you out there doing the total opposite of what you just had a whole conversation about, coming in this relationship and what you're looking for and what you want you know it's rough, man.
Speaker 1:It's like what they say you can't reinvent the wheel, man. That's how, that's the sign of the time, that's how men are. They're going to do what they do and women going to just do what they do to make them Well.
Speaker 3:Women just do what they do. That's new now. That's something new that's become popular over the last few years. Before men do what they do and the woman would stay loyal to the man. But now it seems like women say you know what You're going to do, what you do, and I'm going to do me too.
Speaker 2:But it's about heartbreak, though. Two wrongs don't make a right.
Speaker 3:Two wrongs don't make a right, and it looks worse on a woman's part after you try to get even and then you go out there and you start sleeping out, with numerous men, the scarlet letter.
Speaker 2:Well, you don't have to sleep with you, don't have to sleep. Women go out and sleep. You don't have to sleep with anyone.
Speaker 3:Or even entertain.
Speaker 2:Just talking to people or whatever the case may be. So she's out there doing whatever she's doing. That's all in relationship. The whole point is, if you want to be in a relationship, you have to be able to be like I'm not going to be, I'm not doing that, like that person is the only person that I want to do these things with.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you got to come. You find that comfort in yourself, man, to easily hang up them shiny shoes you know what I'm saying and put on house slippers. People got to be at that time in their life. They're ready to just quit. It's not easy, man. It's definitely not easy, and we're getting older.
Speaker 2:So at a point in time your knee going to hurt a little bit yeah. Your shoulder going to hurt a little bit and you're going to need somebody to be there for you and to be that person. So it's all good when you go outside and girls is checking for you and all of that. But then what happens when life gives you that will?
Speaker 1:and it change. That's what Sterling was talking about.
Speaker 3:When you're talking about your friend in the hospital, you don't want to be the old nigga in the hospital with a stroke. Don't got nobody to wipe your ass. Yeah, you know what I'm saying?
Speaker 1:Yeah, you don't want that. You don't want that yeah.
Speaker 2:And I don't think. Sometimes people think that far along and that's where the sad part comes in.
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:You know, because I don't think that people think along the line like this is going to happen Right now. I'm up and I'm healthy and I'm moving about and this and this and that. But you know, sometimes God just gives you a shake up.
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 2:And when he gives you that shake up, it's like, okay, I need that significant person that's going to be there for me, that has that loyalty for me, that's going to wipe me, clean me, feed me, be there and build me back up, yeah. That's. You know, that's the type of person, but I haven't found that.
Speaker 1:So, yes, yes, y'all you know, tune into the your Opinion Doesn't Matter podcast. We've touched on some real topics. I would also like to talk about the game your Opinion Doesn't Matter game.
Speaker 3:Awesome game, man. That's the best game. Family gatherings.
Speaker 1:Right, and the thing about the game is that 2% of people in the United States are African-Americans under 2% that make games, and I'm proud to be one of them.
Speaker 3:Wow that's a big accomplishment.
Speaker 1:It's like it's a, but we need the people out there. Come check this game out. Money back guarantee. No, I'm joking, but I'm saying you're going to love this game and it's a constant, thought-provoking, debate-formatted game. You can get this at wwwyodmcom and we're going to have a game night. We're going to have a game night. We're going to film it.
Speaker 3:See how everybody feel about it, looking forward to it this game here is for Sherry Ann.
Speaker 2:Oh wow, Definitely going to check it out.
Speaker 3:Yes, yes, yes, I know my friends would love it.
Speaker 2:Yes. And this will be a good debate.
Speaker 1:Yes, yeah, and you have a lot of fun. Man, it's like the different topics social matters, sex and lies, politics, sports, entertainment and the isms but there's one thing that's real like to make you really think and it's a for it or against it, right, and that's a topic and it comes with a dice and what it is say it's a question that you're usually for it. Now you roll a dice and if you say against it, you got to argue from a different perspective in 30 seconds. See, this is not a right or wrong game, it's an opinionated game.
Speaker 3:Yes.
Speaker 1:And this is going to force you to hear other people's perspectives and accept it. Accept it, but it doesn't mean that they're going to win the argument. Other people will vote on who wins, but it's a very nice game and I would like you know for the people to bring it to their house and, you know, tell me about it.
Speaker 3:Okay, and where would would we be able to find this game, monty, in case we're interested in purchasing it?
Speaker 1:Yes, you could go to wwwyodmcom, yeah, or you could contact anybody here.
Speaker 3:Yes, we have it. We have it Fully endorsed by Black Jesus.
Speaker 2:And we love your opinion too, on it Like once you you know, let us know how you feel about the game and spread the word.
Speaker 1:Yes, spread the word Under 2% of African-American people in the United States.
Speaker 3:That's a great accomplishment, man.
Speaker 1:You know. So Kudos to you, thank you, I mean kudos. When it goes out the roof, it will.
Speaker 2:We're speaking it into existence. You're speaking it in the air man, Because you know what Every household needs.
Speaker 1:This game, man, trust me, if you like our conversation, this right here is a true sermon. If you want to get to know somebody and you want to hear their perspective on certain things, trust me, this is going to bring everything to light. Definitely, definitely.
Speaker 2:Everything to light. Well, I'm going to say it's been a pleasure being with these two gentlemen, very smart gentlemen, and I love the fact that they two very handsome gentlemen.
Speaker 2:It's a pleasure being able to be asked to be on a podcast and being able to be on very great topics. It's also a learning opportunity for me and just getting to know you know how thought process are differently. I hope that everyone that listens to the podcast gets an insight on it and enjoy the topics that we're talking about. They're two great guys, so when they talk, they're talking about everything in their life, in our lives, in our life period.
Speaker 2:So it's just a great opportunity to be here and be able to be a part of this Monty's on great things. Sterling is one of my best cousins, so you know, I do enjoy you guys and hopefully we can just keep going with this and get insights on this likewise.
Speaker 3:Likewise, I'd like to thank all the people that took time to listen to our previous podcast and subscribe and give us all the input. People that left comments. Yeah, we thank y'all and we wouldn't be anything without y'all, and we pray y'all keep supporting us and we're going to give y'all the best of us.
Speaker 1:Thank you, and it's the community, man, you can't look at it. It's just, it's just us, it's everybody, it's the community. Because mean we thinking, we saying things that y'all probably thinking and you know, and then y'all, y'all are gravitating towards it, and I appreciate Sherry Berry and I appreciate Sterling, I appreciate y'all, for you know taking a step and then we gonna be making a movement. You know, we're making a movement and again, like Sterling said, without y'all, there's not gonna be no us. And y'all, really, y'all really showed up for our last show.
Speaker 3:It was really stay tuned. We got a lot more coming.
Speaker 1:We have a lot more, and then pretty soon we're gonna open it up and have people call in or or actually submit some questions, and if you want us to go a direction of the podcast to talk about certain things, let's let us let us know. But also sherry, sherry, berry. They was also saying that we didn't we could elaborate on certain things, but it's kind of it's like we're crunched for time, so we just hit certain things and then we got to keep it moving, I think.
Speaker 2:I think the audience was so intrigued. At least everyone that listened was intrigued by our last conversation and wanted us to elaborate more on it, and I think we will give you guys that we may not be able to give it in one podcast but we can definitely elaborate and we love your feedback.
Speaker 2:I can't wait for the day that we can get a podcast going where you can actually call in and give your views as we're speaking, you know, to know what you guys are thinking, because a lot of you know my people was asking about that too as well, so we can work on things. As long as you guys keep supporting, then you'll be able to get a little bit more in-depth into it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you can be at our front door knocking in and say, hey, I have a question for y'all, for Dr Lamont.
Speaker 3:You know what I mean.
Speaker 1:Self-proclaimed Dr Lamont.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I look forward to us having some very intriguing guests in the future too. Yes, yes I think we're going to take a turn to that soon.
Speaker 1:We're going to have them in the hot seat or the cold seat, whichever seat, whichever, whatever the topic is, you know, trust me.
Speaker 2:Trust us All right.
Speaker 1:Trust us.
Speaker 3:All right, trust the process?
Speaker 1:Yes, so this is the your Op.